Gigabit Fiber has a maximum real-world speed of about 940 Mbps. Though no Internet service provider can guarantee the maximum speed to a single device all the time, download and upload speeds in excess of 700 Mbps are normal for a single computer connected directly to First Step Gigabit Fiber.
Factors including your home router, cabling, ethernet card, computer's processor speed, the number of devices on your network, Internet congestion, location of remote device used for download/upload/or testing (as well as its routing, cabling, ethernet, congestion levels, etc) all play a more significant role in achieving the highest speeds than with other connection types because the Gigabit Fiber connection itself can often exceed the fastest possible equipment speeds (particularly if it is not the newest gear).
With multiple devices connected, at peak hours, and to popular sites results will vary of course. Users should regularly expect download and upload speeds combined over devices to be in excess of 400 Mbps (much higher if averaged over time)... many times faster than any other Internet connection type... and plenty fast to stream HD movies to multiple devices while downloading game updates, running smart-home appliances, making backups, and keeping up to date with tablet and phone apps.